The Final Read Through

And now to the next step. The final read through before sending it to the publisher for publication. Once I hit send, there’s no going back.

“Dear God, please let everything be okay…”

Labyrinth Goblins Black T Shirt. La mia recensione @

Labyrinth Goblins

No such luck. I found errors I swear hadn’t been there before. Missing words, stuff switched around in a sentence, sections that made me question WTH was I thinking.

At this point, Goblins are dancing around my head. Pointing and prodding at my every insecurity, their shrieks and maniacal laughter taunting me at every turn.

It’s devastating because I had my book professional edited, multiple times. But, like my publisher said everyone is human and mistakes happen. How many times have you read a book from a well-known author and caught an error? Things can get past even the most discerning eye.

Yoga girl in meditation pose, digital PNG clip art (Alana 487)

Meditation Pose

Breathe, Monica, breathe. Wuuu Saaaa.

Thankfully, I’m able to list everything I found and send it to the person who formatted my book. She can submit the corrections and everything will be right in the universe once again.

I keep trying to remind myself to stay positive and focused. Don’t let my fears overwhelm my world.

Honestly, though at times like this it’s easier said than done.

be brave

Be Brave

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