Building a Website is So Easy…Sure It Is

Building a Website for Dummies David Crowder 2007 3rd Edition w CD-ROM

Building a Website for Dummies David Crowder 2007 3rd Edition w CD-ROM

My goal for this week is to build a website. Sounds easy, right? Buy a domain, click a few buttons, select the right pictures, and there you go. Voila! You have a website and you’re ready to go.

Sisilia by ppinkydollsart on Etsy

Sisilia by ppinkydollsart on Etsy

Unless you’re like me and agonize over every detail. Deleting and rewriting each sentence, making sure everything is correct because heaven forbid, it doesn’t look spot on.

And let’s not get started on choosing the right photos. Does this picture invoke my brand? Or is the city skyline a good choice that best portrays my WIP? Should I get professional pictures taken?!

Picture from

Picture from

Oh God, my head is spinning.

I’ve been surfing through tons of websites for ideas and inspiration. I’ve probably raised site stats for my peers thanks to my research.

Jeez, I hope I get this done before my new ulcer explodes.

2 thoughts on “Building a Website is So Easy…Sure It Is

  1. I think you did a nice job. Looks good!

    • mgedwardsblogs says:

      Thanks! I got some good news. I found out a college buddy is a web designer so we’re meeting up this week. She’s going to add a few flourishes and make some changes behind the scenes to make it easier for me to use. 🙂

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